Adult Altar Servers are responsible for assisting the priest during the liturgy in much the same way as youth altar servers. This ministry provides adults the opportunity for growth in their faith as they take an active role in the liturgy.
Adult Altar Server training takes place annually as new members join this ministry. Each server is scheduled approximately once a month, typically on Saturdays. Adult Altar Servers also have the opportunity to serve at Funeral Masses that take place at the church. This is a very special way to represent the church and your faith to those who are going through a difficult time.
Rehearsals for special liturgies, such as the Easter Triduum, take place several weeks before the event.
All students in grades 4 - 12 (who have received the sacrament of First Eucharist) are welcome and encouraged to participate in the liturgy by becoming altar servers! It is a wonderful way in which our younger parishioners are able to take an active role in the Mass. Many altar servers enjoy the experinece so much that they continue to serve as Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers when they get older. Adults who wish to participate are also welcome!
Altar server training takes place each fall, but individual training at other times of the year is often arranged. Each member serves approximately once a month. After the initial training, there is no formal meeting schedule. Rehearsals for special liturgies, such as the Easter Triduum, take place several weeks before the event.